Statement of Registration Facts

[Deadlines & Supporting Documents]


The declaration must be made within [10] days to the Registry of the Municipality that owns the maternity hospital where the child was born.

The declaration must be made within [90] days to the Registry Office of the Municipality to which the Holy Temple to which the baptism took place belongs.


  • Certificate of Baptism of the Priest
  • Birth Certificate of the child

The declaration must be made within [40] days at the Registry Office of the Municipality to which the Holy Temple to which the wedding took place belongs.


  • Wedding Certificate from the Priest [for religious marriage] or from the Mayor [for civil marriage]

The declaration must be made within [24] hours


  • Death Certificate from the doctor
  • Police ID card of the deceased

The Registration Deed – Naming is drawn up by the Registrar in the presence of both parents of the child, who sign the deed.


  • Birth Certificate of the child
  • Police ID [foreigners: passport with residence permit]

Competent Service
Registry office
Tel .: +30 27210 64128 (for the Municipal Unit of Lefktro)
+30 27213 60408 (for the Municipal Unit of Avia)