Intense weather conditions


  • Make sure you are constantly informed by radio and television about the evolution of weather phenomena. The official sources of information are the National Meteorological Service (NMS) and the General Secretariat for Civil Protection.
  • In case of emergency, call alternatively: Police 100, Fire Brigade 199, EKAB 166, the European Emergency Number 112.
  • Put the above essential telephone numbers in a prominent place in the house if your children are able to use them and make sure they know it.
  • Help your children memorize family information such as their last name, address and home phone number.
  • Explain to all family members how and when to turn off the electricity, gas and water supply, how to use the fire extinguisher and how to call for help.
  • Get essentials such as a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, flashlight and batteries, portable radio, etc.
  • Take special care of children and the elderly.


Once the bad weather is over

  • You are constantly watching the official warnings or tips on the radio and television.
  • Check your home and other assets for any damage.

If you are going to move

  • Find out about the weather and the condition of the road network.
  • Depending on your destination, consider the type of weather that you may encounter (snow, frost, hail, rain, etc.).
  • Change your travel schedule to avoid the onslaught of the weather.
  • Travel during the day, preferring the main arteries rather than the inaccessible and deserted roads.
  • Inform your relatives about the route you will follow.
  • Do not ignore the instructions of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, the weather reports of the Hellenic Police. and the suggestions of the local authorities, such as the Traffic Police, the Coast Guard, the Fire Brigade, etc.
  • Check the condition of your car before each move.
  • Equip the car with the necessary means for dealing with severe weather conditions (anti-skid chains, antifreeze, umbrellas, raincoats, wellies, flashlight, first aid kit, etc.).
  • Wear appropriate clothing if you are going to walk.
  • Be careful when walking to avoid injuries due to slippery roads and sidewalks or due to falling objects from excessive wind or hail.
  • Prefer public transport for your travels.
  • Stay calm and patient. Panic aggravates the situation.
  • Facilitate the work of the Authorities.